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Medium Format
- Duration: 2 Weeks
- Age limit: No Limit
- Pre-requisite: Foundation Photography
- Co-requisite: Fashion Photography/ Food and Product Photography

History of Medium Format Phtotography
Introduction Medium Format photography
Camera body and lenses
Image resolution
Raw image vs different formats
MegapixelsIntroduction to the Functionalities
of a Medium Format Camera
Exposure composition
Focusing modesWHITE BALANCE
Understanding color temperatureCOMPOSITION
Intoduction to Phocus
Shooting using PhocusSTUDIO LIGHTING
Day outdoor shoot
Working with strobe lights
Light modifiers: reflectors, soft boxes, umbrellas, and etc.PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY
Using Various lighting techniques
Setting up the studio Lights
Shooting conceptual photographs
Shaping of Light on various productsFASHION PHOTOGRAPHY
Using various lighting modifiers
Shooting high quality fashion photosPhoto processing
Processing using Phocus
Converting into various formats Photoshop

If you are a quality-fixated photographer working at the top of your game for perfection-driven clients or on personal projects that serve to both underpin and promote your own unique craft and creativity, then there is never going to be room for compromise when it comes to equipment.
For any camera sensor, the physical size of its pixels governs the amount of light recorded for each one. Most sensor manufacturers are now using microlenses on their pixels to maximize the light collected and the light-gathering power determines the dynamic range of the sensor.

Higher Quality Images :
We already think DSLRs and mirrorless produce “high-quality” images, but the larger sensors on medium format cameras offer even more or bigger megapixels. The larger image area on medium format cameras can produce around 70% bigger and higher quality photos compared to those taken with full-frame cameras.
Shallower depth of field :
There’s a reason portrait and wedding photographers from the ‘70s to ‘90s were all about medium format. There’s just something magical about the falloff and depth you can get, making them a natural choice for portraits.

Distinct Look and Feel :
Even when viewing medium format images on the web, it’s signature “look” is apparent. There’s nothing quite as beautiful and realistic as medium format images due to their amazing colors, shallow depth of field, and lack of perception distortion that we usually see from today’s cameras. The resulting image always offers a more natural view, similar to what we see in real life.
Wider Field of View :
Medium format cameras have the unique capability to combine the features of a wide-angle lens and a long lens all in one device. While it allows you to get a wider field of view, you also get the background compression and shallow depth of field that you would get with a long lens.

Bringing well-rounded shooting capabilities to the medium format realm, the Hasselblad H6D-100c revolves around an impressive 100MP 53.4 x 40mm CMOS sensor to produce high-resolution stills as well as UHD 4K video. Making use of the CMOS design, this sensor affords a wide sensitivity range of ISO 64-12800, along with 16-bit color depth and a dynamic range of up to 15 stops to maintain notable detail and quality when working in the most difficult lighting conditions.
Coupled with an enhanced electronic platform with faster processing capabilities, continuous shooting speeds up to 1.5 fps are possible, as well as the ability to shoot both UHD 4K and Full HD video at 30 fps in the Hasselblad RAW format.

Phocus 3.0. is a software used to process image files and it’s had an overhaul and loads of updates to make it easier to use and more accessible. This software, for Hasselblad users, can control the camera and deal with image files.
The graphical user interface offers a clean and uncluttered workflow, making it easier for users to find their way around more quickly and simpler than before

Shooting products with maximum details and to be able to print them in a really large size could only be achieved by a medium format camera.
A medium format camera is capable of shooting with the finest quality possible and creates extremely sharp and highly detailed photographs. All professional photographers shooting for commercial campaigns mostly prefer a medium format camera to achieve the best quality.

In Fashion photography understanding the light is, by far, the key feature to produce and create marvelous works, for when you understand how light works and what exactly it does, you will be able to manipulate it, to embrace it, and think of what you can do with it, to shape it according to your needs, regardless if it is a spotlight or sunlight. Those are the best ingredients to create stunning images instead of struggling to get the look you’re after.
We use Profoto lights with a 100 megapixel H6 D camera from Hasselblad. That what the professionals in the industry use, hence training in the most professional workflow is given to students.

While shooting with a digital Medium Format camera the process becomes a little tricky. It is not like shooting with a normal DSLR but a little tricky and complicated.
The modern-day medium format cameras are very advanced and user friendly. Even then, it is required to follow specific steps to achieve the best result. Setting up the right light, operating the camera and using its functions to maximum optimization is not easy.

Tethered shooting using Hasselblad lets you shoot with complete perfection. Connecting it to Phocus lets you control the entire functions of the camera like focusing, metering, white balance control, etc. using the software itself.
It doesn’t only let you shoot using the tethered medium but also lets you correct the images right after every shot. Tethering makes the overall shooting process smooth and organized.

File format plays a very vital role when it comes to using a picture on various platforms and mediums. The raw files in medium format vary from camera to camera of different manufacturers. The Hasselblad produces.RF files which could only be read by ‘PHOCUS’ or Photoshop if the plug-in is installed. These files are to be corrected initially on Phocus and depending upon their usage they should be exported in the desired format (Web upload, printing, high res. files for the stock, etc.).

Image processing of the Hasselblad camera can be done using the inbuilt software that is specifically for the camera. One can tweak in the exposure, highlight & shadow control, white balance from the ‘Phocus’ itself.
The software also lets you export the images in various formats that could be used for various purposes, like printing in different sizes, manipulation, web uploading, etc.
Other software such as Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop could also be used for further processing of these files.